Thursday, December 10, 2009

It' been a busy month!

I feel so bad for not posting in such a long time! But, there has been so much going on! I am trying to keep from feeling overwhelmed.
Today is going to be baking and cleaning day. I am going to have Jaden write my grocery list, find the items at the store, and help me bake! What a school day for him. I think all boys should have to do that for school. Men seem so helpless when it comes to the kitchen! I have decided to make buckeye bars, spinach dip, and chocolate mint bars. I also need to make a couple of loaves of pumpkin bread for our MOPS dinner next week.
I have had packages coming to our door everyday! I have also been wrapping them as I get them. This way, I do not have a huge chore ahead of me. We are keeping up with school work, and I am back to running again. I have been trying to run everyday. Next week, I will cut back to every other day but with longer distances.
Sorry, no pictures today. But, I hope to post pictures of the food and the recipes!


Help! Mama Remote... said...

Good to see you type again. I think we're all busy at this time of the year. By the way, I love your blog! I have a blog award for you at the address below.
Please stop by and pick it up.