Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I really can't keep up with everything right now, so my blog posts will be very few and far between these days! We have started remodeling part of our house. I am finally working on painting our cabinets and we got our new hardwood flooring! I hope we can get it put in soon, but Jeff is working more hours this week. So, it will probably be a May project. I love how the cabinets are turning out! I will be sure to post pictures. I have also been enjoying the Spring weather. We have been planting flowers and Jeff just starting dig the sod up for the garden! I can't wait
Jaden has been doing well in school and Cassidy is growing like a weed. She is practicing adding numbers together. She just amazes me with all of the things she knows already!
Our Easter was wonderful. My birthday fell on the same weekend, so we had a busy weekend. Here are some pictures to get updated!

Cabinet progress
Cherry flooring with new beadboard