Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I have been running for quite awhile now. Before I lost all of the weight, I would walk fast on the treadmill. I eventually felt like I could run. 1 mile was so hard to run without stopping! Once I started doing that well, I started running 2 miles, but stopped once to catch my breath. When we joined the Y, I noticed I could run 3 miles on their treadmill. I wasn't sure why I couldn't do that at home! But now that I have the Nike+, I have found out that my mileage was off on my treadmill. I was actually going 3 miles! So, I have been running 3 miles! I can't believe it! Here are my stats so far this past week:

I almost hit the 4 mile mark. I can't wait to get to 5 miles. I was excited to run a 5k on the treadmill Sunday. It felt awesome!

So, I have the running down, I need to start eating better again. I have been eating bad for the past 5 days! I need to start eating more natural again. I will be going to the store on Friday. Here are some things on my list:
spinach, strawberries. coconut, Kashi meals, lettuce, eggs, grapes, whole wheat flour, Ezekiel bread, La Tortilla Factory tortillas, cheese, water (thinking of getting the pur system), cilantro, black beans

I have found this week that I cannot be trusted with potato chips, bagels, sugar, oreos, Italian beef sandwiches! I ate way too much.

So, here is what I will be doing the rest of the week (besides running and homeschooling!):

Make Cassidy's invitations

Grocery shopping:

Plant some of these:
Go to the mall (see the Easter Bunny!)

I hope everyone has a great week.


Ry said...

Hubby says he can run much farther on the gym treadmills than ours!

sobeit said...

Congrats on the running...I've trying to stick to the treadmill. However today..didn't make...does mowing the lawn with a push mower count? lol
